CSSOff Update #6


Winner announced on Feb 29th

In the last update I said we were working really hard to get everything finalized. Well, we’re almost there, I promise. To keep that promise I’m saying here that we’re going to announce the winner(s) on February 29th. That will give us enough time to complete the final scoring, which our judges are working their collective butts off on as you read this, and put it all in place for you all.

I’ve said it before, the amount of work this has been took us all by surprise but it’s been an awesome experience. 3.5 to 4 months is a long time to take to judge the entries, we know it and I promise you all each entry has been reviewed with the love and care you’d hope they would. We’ve learned so much from doing this and already have a plan to make the next one faster and more efficient when it comes to judging.

So please stay tuned until then. The winners will be emailed directly and then everyone who entered will get an update email on February 29th just before we post it live here on unmatchedstyle.com


  1. Jamy Golden

    Thanks for the update and for the perseverance!

  2. Nomaan Maniar

    Ah, finally… That’s good.. Keep it up good work guys…

  3. Chris Kempen

    Awesome! Can’t wait! And thanks to the judges for taking their time and making the CSSOff such a great competition, I wouldn’t have wanted to take part if it was going to be a half-baked flash-in-the-pan-style contest! Thanks again!

  4. Shajith

    Oh good news for all contestants…All best for all…
    and same day Microsoft to unveil Windows 8…

  5. Der verlockend Verlock

    Dai cazzo!
    Keep it up! We look forward to see the results, with all our fingers crossed. 🙂

  6. Jonas K

    Finally my psd to html result will be rated ;).
    Can’t wait.

  7. Foxumon

    Makes me nervous! x3 Can’t wait to hear the results.


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