Yahoo Developer Network update with Jonathan LeBlanc #3

This marks our third check in with Jonathan LeBlanc @jcleblanc of Yahoo Developer Network. In this update we cover:

Firehose: The Updates Firehose is a web service for accessing and searching the full, real-time index of Yahoo! Updates. Here’s a link to a good blog post about it. I’m loving the idea of getting all types of data from various API’s in one place. Can’t wait to see some branding associated with Firehose.


Yahoo! Sketch-a-search (iphone app to find restaurants in an area). This is a pretty nifty little iPhone app, i’ve always wanted to just draw a circle on the map of where I want to look for stuff.


The new(ish) Yahoo! Entertainment application for the iPad. Now i’ve been using this app all along, it’s one of the first one’s I snagged on the new iPad. This screen shot doesn’t do it justice but I thought as soon as I downloaded it that it was one of the better experiences on the iPad.

They have some updates to their Music API which is cool, but the news here is really that they are making a move to make all of their public content available via YQL. So YQL is the way of the future with Yahoo API’s, not that this should surprise us any though. They are really committed to YQL.

Then finally Yahoo! has a new facebook page for YDN: make sure and friend that up. Or “like” or whatever facebook decides to call it this month.

As always it’s great to talk with Jonathan about what’s happening with YDN and all their products.


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