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We are in the market to add some sponsors for our podcast and roadshows. If this is something you’re interested in please contact us. I know we can work something out.

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News & Articles

Wren Lanier – Designing on the z-axis

UMS Video Podcast: Giovanni talks with talks with Wrenn Lanier about her ideas for using visual depth and layering to communicate context and content to mobile web users.

Kickdrop Code Sample: Bootstrap Sliders

Simple and beautiful form sliders for any bootstrap-based project. We love these sliders because the jQuery is very easy to work with and the overall code quality is fantastic.

A to Z CSS: ID

ID is a CSS selector that allows the styling of a single unique element. Their use in CSS is common and often a little controversial. In this video, I will outline some of the reasons why I prefer the `class` selector over `ID`, how CSS specificity works.