Beautiful icons across this site. Really elegant layout and type work too. I sense some technical issues every now and then on images loading but overall it's a gorgeous site design.
9/11 Tribute Center
Great new site for the 9/11 Tribute Center by the Bearded Studios gents. My favorite part is the navigation design. I really like how most of the site's nav is represented in the drop down and keeps it easily accessible on the desktop. While it's more inline on the...
Badass Programmers
Nice scroll down/in movement on the main graphics. That kind of thing can hit home right away when you first visit a website. Claws, Jimi Hendrix... dern fellas.
Pretty cool interactions to review on this site. First I like how the nav goes transparent when you scroll and reappears when you start to scroll back up. Then there are little movements on important buttons to show you where your attention to should be placed next....
Anxiety Fight
Strong visual language backs up a nice solid design and layout. Sometimes you can see there's good content that the designer has to work on, this site is a good example of that. Good content backed up with good design.
Paul Murphy
Really dig the masonry like layout utilized here. It's well done. I also like the light touch to the design so that the site itself doesn't overpower the work displayed. That's a hard line to walk.
The Geek Designer
I love it when a person's personality comes through in their design. Now this is a personal portfolio site for Alex Pierce and yeah, his personality should show through. Boy does it. In the specific words and phrases and most of all there's a shot on the main page of...
Schmoll Creative
Love the minimal color palette. Smooth transition between the topmost section and the main nav load too. Then plenty of little visual interaction pieces across the page as you scroll to keep things interesting. Lovely site.
I really like this new pattern that's emerging where the main nav changes slightly once you move past the initial page load. I do also dig the interactions placed with each of the main images on the home page too, very smart use of animations.
Really great transition to a responsive website from Time Magazine. It's really beautifully done. There are also sections like this World Trade Center article that show they are really trying to push the boundaries of online writing. Well done.
I like this nav design. It's a different idea to include, pretty much, a sitemap as your main nav if you can (if the site is small enough). I also dig how the illustrations are used and interact visually with the copy.
Studio Alto
Pretty slick movement on the site as you scroll. I like the way the colors flip around too on interaction with the main nav. Clever stuff here.
Chant Des Baleines
Really beautiful single page site for this band. I luurve the illustrations.
Havoc Inspired
Pretty nifty site design. I like how the main nav stays fixed but in the box shape that overlays the site. Also, resize this badboy, that's a cool way to hide the transitions but also making it interesting for us that build sites too. Bravo.
Clever app. It's a simple page for the app but I really dig it. I like the iPhone image that changes out and slides up slightly as you scroll down the page.
Made By Few
The new Made By Few site for 2014 is marvelous. The lineup is looking good too. I really dig this design pattern where the top of the page is used for a big hero area and as you slide down the page the main nav sort of sticks into place and is set. This site does that...
Ben & Jerry’s
The new Ben & Jerry's site, done by Happy Cog is super nice. But there's more here than just a pretty face. There is a ton of strategy behind it and you can feel it as you use the site. Mmmmm Ice Cream.... They have a pretty epic case study and a video about the...
Here's a fun website. Chock full of compelling imagery and effects. It's fairly simple and straightforward with it's single page approach but there is enough here to really entice you. That first image of the casks alone makes me want to give them my money.
Nice effect with the background video and how it stays in place as you scroll down. I really like the contact form and how the field labels are handled - very nice.
I like the overall treatment to this site design. It feels a bit like Microsoft esthetic (but better executed) which is just fine and looks great here.
I love the visual changes that happen around the page as you scroll down. The way the logo and main nav get smaller. The way the laptop image stays put and other graphics interchange with it is smartly done too.
David Bushell
I really dig how this site design has the vibe of a larger agency but it's really just for a single person. It instills trust that goes beyond a single person shop to me. I like the treatment on the origami swan as you resize the browser too. It all feels very...
Aside from being hilarious this site is pretty cleverly designed. I like the animations that trigger as you scroll down, they make you stop and read which is the goal. Also, don't forget to breath people.
Nice, Harvard has a responsive site design now. Not sure how long it's been relaunched but I like it. It's one of the better collegiate designs as far as i'm concerned. I really dig the featured marquee area and how they change for focus based on the screen widths,...
Nice product site design here with nymi. I really like the main featured area and the focus put into designing for different screen widths for it. The little radiating lines animation is a nice subtle touch too.
My favorite part of this design is the hero image area. I love how it slides down and fades as you scroll down the page. Then check it out when you resize it for the mobile screen widths. Very clever design.
Eddie Diaz
Nice clean look to this portfolio site. I like the about text on this site, typically on portfolio websites it's largely useless but on Eddie Diaz's it's actually informative. Bravo!
Alice in Videoland
A very intriguing site by Rachel Nabors, an interactive telling of the Alice in Wonderland story. You'd better just take a look and see what you think for yourself. An interactive take on Lewis Carroll's classic tale, lovingly crafted in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. I...
3 One Seven
Overall the layout of 3 One Seven is intense visually. There's blocks of imagery competing for your attention - which as I review this site appears to be the point of the design. It's successful in that the images are actually compelling visually and the interactions...
Pretty much a flat organized page here with the Webflow site. It works well in this case, considering their audience. I love how the main featured image fades out as you slide down the page. The signup form all lined up horizontally looks very quick to get through -...