misha nonoo

misha nonoo

This is a smart and beautiful site. It packs in all the elements of a slick magazine, but on one page. I'm not usually a fan of modals, but these work because of the "static" nature of the site.

Uncle Goose

Uncle Goose

Old Mother Hubbard ain't got nothin' on Uncle Goose... I wanted to do some Andrew Dice Clay when I saw this site - but finally realized how inappropriate that might be... Now on to the site: What really sticks out is the attention to design - of the blocks, and the...



Pretty cool looking page design for this WP plugin. I like the branding and the visual layout of the page too. Good stuff. Anyone tried the plugin?

Perky Brothers

Perky Brothers

Nice minimal design for Perky Brothers. I love the name. I also really like the overlay of the words that sit on top of the images and stay put as you scroll down the page.

Tony Headrick

Tony Headrick

I like how the type and the line work in this layout are all big and bold yet the page feels soft at the same time. Really unique yet familiar feeling at the same time. Smart work. Submitted by: Tony Headrick @tonyheadrick Role: Designer & Developer

Kibart Engineering

Kibart Engineering

I dig the look of this design. It's flat and clean and really feels like a engineering company to me. Only wish it was responsive, but otherwise a really smart looking layout. Steve Semanchik @vitaminisgood Role: Designer The Kibart home page showcases the firm’s best...

Alley Kat

Alley Kat

Nice design that feels "crafted" with some hand made looking sections, the type plays into this nicely. The site utilizes a Full Screen Overlay style navigation pattern which seems to fit aesthetically but not functionally too well.



Fun layout and sometimes weird details make this page pretty fantastic to me. Enjoy.



Another full page overlay style navigation in use. I like how it's utilized here since you can largely get around the site without using the nav which is a good thing in this case. Otherwise the site is pretty out there visually, which I like 🙂

Cimo Coffee

Cimo Coffee

Really nice use of contrast. I'm not just talking about colors, but the way they contrast the photos and real imagery of coffee bags with flat areas of color and blocky bold type and icons. Really gives this page a nice rich visual feel. Love it, now for some coffee.



Man, I love just about every aspect of this design. I especially love the way the main nav slides up into the header and "becomes" a top anchored nav. Just go scroll the page around and then come back. See what I mean, cool right?



Pretty cool feel to this site. I like the colors and the blocky approach to the layout visually. Pretty fast movement and interaction speeds as well which lead to it feeling faster overall to use.

Design Week Portland

Design Week Portland

Simplicity and achieving marketing goals can indeed go hand in hand despite what your client will try to tell you (that's a joke...) The Design Week Portland is simple and beautiful and get's the job done while at the same time communicating something that is quite...



I really like all the little interactions and stuff designed into this minimal looking designed website. The load in animation on the main nav is pretty slick. I'm not wild about only having the hamburger icon alone on there, but otherwise the page is quite navigable...

Tako Sushi

Tako Sushi

It's not often we come across a website for a restaurant in our home town of Columbia, SC that we love. We both love the food at this place and the website is pretty awesome looking too. It's simple and effective and has some pretty badass branding to go along with...

Project List

Project List

There is a lot to love about this website for Project List. I like the split screen design, I haven't seen something like this done very well, until today. I also really dig the interaction design on the sign up form process. That's some good UX. With a front page...



Man... usually infinite scroll on most sites isn't so infinite... I still haven't gotten to the end of Wired UK's collection of cool photos and stories on this vertical infinite scroll... still going... nope... Obviously the pictures on the home page make it an...

Heavy Heavy

Heavy Heavy

The ironic thing about Heavy Heavy's website is that it is light. And in this case, light is heavy. Um.. that means that you can make a strong impact with a light and simple site. Instead of having a thousand animated gifs and CSS spinners, you can make a simple and...



Portfolio website for Bethany Heck. Ex-Columbia, SC pixelworker and we're proud to say we're friends! Great work to feast your eyeballs on and the website design ain't half bad either. Enjoy! Submitted by: Bethany Heck @eephusleague Role: Designer This is a responsive...



A compelling visual way to navigate a site like this. I like that it's different and it somehow actually feels like it helps feed into the literary vibe of the site too.



Fun, it's that simple. Great visuals and great execution. I just like to sit here and scroll the page. It's like cats, i'll watch it again and again.



I love beautifully simple stuff. Like the Studiobema site design. Simple and satisfying. Love it.



As always, beauty from the redesign of Weightshift. We've been fans of their work for a long time and this new iteration of their business' site is great. My favorite part is the way the portfolio/case studies are presented inside the words/links visually. Classic...

Root Studio

Root Studio

Fun. It's something that a lot of people can't do well. This site can. The Root Studio site is full of fun looking visuals which lead you to think they're fun people. Bam, the brand has won. Good stuff.



Really beautifully designed website from 31three- hint: their sites always are... I love the butterfly and how it's used and the soft deckled edges under the main nav bar. Nice simple responsive design FTW.

Pan Fried Pixels

Pan Fried Pixels

I love this design. It's simple yet deep enough visually to not come off overly so. I like the project planner design a lot. The way the projects are displayed and are animated via the mouse over is well placed within the experience too. I dig it.



Cool vibe to this site design for Morris. I like the colors and they way the elements are presented. It feels kind of fresh and has that "mobile" vibe to it visually. Pretty neat.



New Bearded. 'nuff said. But really, it's super slick and simplified beauty. It's this type of thing that makes me really love hate these guys. They even had the gaul to give us a pretty good write up about the redesign too: I’m constantly reminded of a Hemingway...



I love the look of this site. It has hard edges and a rigid typeface but it still keeps a soft feel to it all at the same time. It's party color and imagery and rhythm that keeps it feeling open and inviting. Great work all around visually on this.



The Harewood site is a great example of how to deliver something that's responsive and still have that "RWD look" but also elegant at the same time. I like a lot of this design and at the same time sniff several tried and true visual RWD patterns at work here.