Cameron Moll – Ep. 74

While at InControl 2011, where Cameron Moll (@cameronmoll) was a keynote speaker, I sat down with him to find out what he’s been up to and also to ask him about his thoughts on inspiration. Which is a pretty big topic with us at UnmatchedStyle. Cameron is a man of many talents as you’ll see by the breadth of discussion we had in the interview.

Authentic Jobs


Cameron is the person behind Authentic Jobs, he created and has built it to be what it is today. He was able to make the jump over a year ago to running Authentic Jobs full-time, which is no small feat.

Good news for us designers too, Cameron says that based on the data he’s seeing in Authentic Jobs postings there’s plenty of work/jobs to go around for us all. But at the same time, companies are having a hard time actually filling jobs because we like to freelance a little too much.



One of my more favorite things that he’s done is the Colosseo print based on the Roman Colosseum created using letter forms. It’s beautiful. Cameron gives us the run down on how it all came together.

Inspiration vs. Influence

Cameron has a really engaging definition of inspiration and influence. I’d never really thought the two mutually exclusive before meeting him and hearing his talk on the subject. It’s gotten in my brain and has really driven me to aspire to try and capture real inspiration here at UnmatchedStyle much more so than influence which I think many web design galleries largely serve. At any rate, he’s inspired me to work harder – I hope he can do the same for you.

About: Cameron Moll

Cameron MollCameron Moll (@cameronmoll) is a designer, speaker, and author living in Sarasota, Florida (United States) with his wife and four sons. He’s the founder of Authentic Jobs Inc, among other endeavors.

Authentic Jobs is where companies and creative professionals meet to make a better web. And he’s not kidding about that.

Check out In Control 2102

In Control 2012
Dynamic speakers bringing together a diverse spectrum of expertise. Each day starts with a keynote presentation followed by focused sessions designed to improve your Web design skills & knowledge. Check it out…

1 Comment

  1. George Hammerton

    Fascinating insight into Cameron’s sources of inspiration! I love the use of appropriate typefaces too.


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